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.appropriation was made to the University of Cincinnati, an institu-A hundred and sixty schools were in operation in 1905.Bytion which received some of its support from municipal sources.1927, the number had dropped to eighty.Most of those that wereHoward University and the Meharry Medical School were strength-edged out had been sub-standard, but excellence was not the soleened, the latter by some eight million dollars.The General Educa-criterion for determining which ones would receive funding.Thetion Board and the Rockefeller Foundation later made substantialprimary test was the willingness of the school administration and grants to the medical schools at Harvard, Vanderbilt, Columbia,Cornell, Tulane, Western Reserve, Rochester, Duke, Emory, and thefaculty to accept a curricula geared to drug research.That is howMemorial Hospital in New York affiliated with Cornell.(1)the money would come back to the donors plus a handsomeprofit.Historian Joseph Goulden describes the process this way:It is necessary to add to this list the medical schools ofFlexner had the ideas, Rockefeller and Carnegie had the money,Northwestern, Kansas, and Rochester; each heavily endowed,and their marriage was spectacular.The Rockefeller Institute foreither by Rockefeller money or by the Commonwealth FundMedical Research and the General Education Board showeredwhich is closely aligned with Rockefeller interests.(2)money on tolerably respectable schools and on professors whoAfter Abraham Flexner completed his report, he became oneexpressed an interest in research.(1)of the three most influential men in American medicine.The otherSince 1910, the foundations have "invested" over a billiontwo were his brother, Dr.Simon Flexner of the Rockefellerdollars in the medical schools of America.Nearly half of theInstitute, and Dr.William Welch of Johns Hopkins Medical Schoolfaculty members now receive a portion of their income fromfoundation "research" grants, and over sixteen percent of them1.Article reprinted in Warren Weaver's U.S.Philanthropic Foundations, op.cit.,pp.264, 265.2.Ibid., p.268.1.Goulden, The Money Givers, op.cit., p.141. 266 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part TwoHE WHO PAYS THE PIPER 267and of the Rockefeller Institute.According to Hinsey, these men,If the foundations chose to speak, their voice would resoundacting as "a triumvirate":with the solid clang of the cash register.Their expenditures on.were not only involved in the awarding of grants for the health and hospitals totalled more than a half-billion dollarsRockefeller Foundation, but they were counselors to heads of between 1964 and 1968, according to a compilation by the Americaninstitutions, to lay board members, to members of staffs of medical Association of Fund-Raising Counsel.But the foundations' "innova-schools and universities in the United States and abroad.They tive money" goes for research, not for the production of doctors whoserved as sounding boards, as stimulators of ideas and programs, as treat human beings.Medical schools, realizing this, paint their facesmediators in situations of difficulty.(1) with the hue desired by their customers.(1)The Association of American Medical Colleges has been one Echoing this same refrain, David Hopgood, writing in theof the principal vehicles of foundation and cartel control over Washington Monthly, says:medical education in the United States and Canada.Organized inThe medical school curriculum and its entrance requirements1876, it serves the function of setting a wide range of standardsare geared to the highly academic student who is headed forfor all medical schools.It determines the criteria for selectingresearch.In the increasingly desperate struggle for admission, thesemedical students, for curriculum development, for programs of academically talented students are crowding out those who want topractice medicine.(2)continuing medical education after graduation, and for commu-nication within the profession as well as to the general public [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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