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.Catholics have no obligation, however, to approach sinful priests for the sacramentsand can stay home, but neither are they forbidden to go if they desire thesesacraments.This is so because heresy automatical y excommunicates every personguilty of it and puts him outside the Church; a person's own mortal sins, however,does not.The Church further teaches that one may approach such a priest (who have beenexcommunicated for other reasons than heresy, schism or apostasy), only in gravecircumstances for the sacraments, if no other reasonable option is available (more onthis in the Fourth objection).For sin and heresy is not the same, and to beexcommunicated for sin or to be excommunicated for heresy is not the same,(although both cases lead the excommunicated soul to Hell).The Pope, even if he isa public mortal sinner, stil remains Pope and has the same authority as any otherPope.If, however, he was to become a heretic, schismatic or apostate, he wouldautomatically cease to be the Pope and head of the Church, and would lose all hisauthority and ecclesiastical power.Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 23), June 29, 1943:“For not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature tosever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy orapostasy.”And really, when people use fallible quotes from fallible Saints and theologians to tryto prove their position, you can know that they have lost track of the distinctionbetween fallible and infal ible words.CARDINAL JOHN DE LUGOTHIRD OBJECTION: "Cardinal John de Lugo, who was a respected theologian, andwho was counted by St.Alphonsus himself as second only after St.Thomas Aquinas,and who was cal ed "a light of the Church" by Pope Benedict XIV, said that one couldgo to a heretical priest whom you know to be a heretic for the mass and thesacraments."ANSWER TO THE THIRD OBJECTION: Cardinal John de Lugo was simply wrong.He was also confused about certain points on which he taught (as we will show).Thismade him come up with a belief system of his own.This fact was even admitted bythe Catholic Encyclopedia:The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Cardinal John de Lugo," Vol.9, (1910): “All his writings (Lugo), whether on dogmatic or moral theology, exhibit two mainqualities: A penetrating, critical mind, sometimes indulging a little too muchin subtleties, and a sound judgment…In several problems he formed asystem of his own, as for instance about faith, the Eucharist, thehypostatic union, etc.”John de Lugo even argued that the words, "This is My Blood", (or a similar shortform), to be a complete sacramental form for the wine-consecration.De Lugo arguedthat the very existence of such (erroneous) liturgies in ancient times (based on non-approved and spurious documents) proved that those few words are enough forvalidity, and that ipso facto the additional words of the form, although used universallyin the Church, are not essential.He thus argued (at his own time) as the Vatican II“Church” does today.This proposition by John de Lugo was of course condemned(the theory) as false (Salmanticenses 30-32, Disp.IX, dub.3).The heretics however,would have us believe that a short form consecration would be a true and valid one,for why else would he (Lugo) have said so? But who amongst these heretics wouldever admit to such a thing? Our guess is that none or very few ever would.Thisstriking fact then reveals these people to in fact be bad willed heretics, since hereticsonly reject those articles of faith that do not fit them, or only believe in those theydeem to be from the deposit of faith.Both of these terms is what makes up a heretic!This then should further prove these peoples absolute hypocrisy and bad will.Now, Cardinal de Lugo was certainly not infallible, and he was even wrong on majortheological subjects (such as regarding the mass and the form of consecration).Infact, the changes proposed by Cardinal de Lugo would have rendered the act ofconsecration (transubstantiation) invalid, as Pope St.Pius V makes clear:Pope St.Pius V, De Defectibus, chapter 5, Part 1:"The words of Consecration, which are the FORM of this Sacrament, arethese: FOR THIS IS MY BODY
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