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.SQL*Loader 404 column name present more than once in table nameCause The named column is specified more than once in a singleINTO TABLE statement.Action Remove the extraneous column specification.SQL*Loader 405 need termination delim with optional enclosure delim: column name.nameCause The named column was specified with an optional enclosure delimiter, but notermination delimiter.Enclosure delimiters can only be optional whentermination delimiters are present.Action Specify a termination delimiter or make the enclosure delimiters non optional.SQL*Loader 406 if data is all generated, number to load cannot be ALLCause When only generated data is loaded, a number to load must be given soSQL*Loader knows when to stop.Action Specify a number to load.SQL*Loader 407 if data is all generated, number to skip is meaninglessCause When all data is generated, no file is read, and there are no records to skip.Action Remove the number to skip.SQL*Loader 408 physical record stack overflowCause An internal error has occurred.Action Contact customer support.SQL*Loader Messages 7 1100400 00499: ColumnsSQL*Loader 409 number to skip must be table level, not load level on continued loadsCause The SKIP parameter was specified on the command line or in the OPTIONSstatement, but the load was specified as continued with CONTINUE_LOAD.When a multiple table direct load is interrupted, it is possible that a differentnumber of records were loaded into each table.As a result, the number ofrecords to skip must be specified for each table when continuing the load.Inthis case, the load is specified as continued with the CONTINUE_LOADstatement, and the number of records to skip is given in eachINTO TABLE statement.See also messages 410 and 411 for more information.Action Check the log file to determine the appropriate number of records to skipfor each table and specify this number in the INTO TABLE statement for eachtable in a continued load or with the command line SKIP parameter in astandard load.SQL*Loader 410 number to skip must be load level, not table levelCause A SKIP clause was found in the INTO TABLE statement of a standard(non continued) load.In a standard load, specified with LOAD DATA, it is not possible to skip adifferent number of records for each table.The number of records to skip mustbe specified for the entire load by using the SKIP parameter on the commandline or in the OPTIONS clause.If table level skip is required, because a different number of records wereloaded into each table (only possible for a multiple table direct load), thenspecify a continued load with the CONTINUE_LOAD statement.See also messages 409 and 411 for more information.Action If the load was not a multiple table, direct path load, then move the SKIPclause from the INTO TABLE statements to the command line or to theOPTIONS clause.Otherwise, specify the load as continued withCONTINUE_LOAD.7 12 Oracle7 Server Messages00400 00499: ColumnsSQL*Loader 411 only a direct path load may be continuedCause The load is specified with CONTINUE_LOAD, but DIRECT=FALSE.CONTINUE_LOAD is only possible for a direct path load and is only necessaryfor a multiple table, direct path load when a different number of records havebeen loaded into each table.See also messages 409 and 410 for more information.Action If CONTINUE_LOAD is necessary, specify a direct load and put the number ofrecords to skip in each INTO TABLE statement.Otherwise, use the commandline or OPTIONS clause to specify the number of records to skip and useLOAD DATA instead of CONTINUE_LOAD.SQL*Loader 412 more columns specified for table name than the maximum numCause More columns were specified for the table than the maximum number allowedby the database.Action Remove the extraneous columns.SQL*Loader 413 maximum number of constraints num exceeded on table nameCause An internal error has occurred.Action Contact customer support.SQL*Loader 414 maximum number of triggers num exceeded on table nameCause An internal error has occurred.Action Contact customer support.SQL*Loader 415 unimplemented database column type num on column nameCause An internal error has occurred.Action Contact customer support.SQL*Loader 417 SQL string (on column name) not allowed in direct pathCause Because the direct path bypasses SQL processing, the SQL string cannotbe used.Action Remove the SQL string or use the conventional path.SQL*Loader Messages 7 1300500 00599: File I/O and Operating SystemSQL*Loader 457 comparison text str of CONTINUEIF LAST must have length 1 not numCause The comparison text is too long.It can only be one character.Action Reduce the comparison text to one character.SQL*Loader 458 comparison text of CONTINUEIF LAST must be non whitespaceCause The comparison text is a whitespace character (blank or tab).Action Change the comparison text to a non whitespace character.00500 00599: File I/O and Operating SystemSQL*Loader 500 unable to open file nameCause SQL*Loader could not open the named file.Action Check the operating system messages below this one in the log file.SQL*Loader 501 unable to read file nameCause SQL*Loader could not read the named file.Action Check the operating system messages below this one in the log file.SQL*Loader 502 unable to open log file for write nameCause SQL*Loader could not open the named file.Action Check that the file location is specified correctly and that write privileges forthe file have been granted.SQL*Loader 503 error appending extension to file nameCause SQL*Loader could not append the default extension to create the filename.Thegiven name could be too long or contain illegal characters.Action Check the specified filename.SQL*Loader 504 error skipping records in file nameCause SQL*Loader could not open the file or could not read from it.Action Check that the file is where it is expected and that read access has been granted.7 14 Oracle7 Server Messages00500 00599: File I/O and Operating SystemSQL*Loader 506 unable to open bad file nameCause SQL*Loader could not open the named file.Action Check the errors below it in the log file for more information.SQL*Loader 507 unable to open discard file nameCause SQL*Loader could not open the named file.Action Check the errors below this message in the log file for more information.SQL*Loader 510 physical record in datafile name is longer than the maximum numCause The datafile has a physical record that is too long.Action Use CONCATENATE or CONTINUEIF.Break up the physical records.SQL*Loader 511 unable to initialize read functionsCause SQL*Loader could not initialize the read functions.Action Check the errors below this message in the log file for more information.SQL*Loader 512 unable to free read bufferCause An internal error has occurred.Action Contact customer support.SQL*Loader 513 unable to close file nameCause SQL*Loader could not close the named file.Action Check the errors below this message in the log file for more information.SQL*Loader 514 error getting elapsed timeCause SQL*Loader could not get the elapsed time from the system.Action No action required.SQL*Loader 515 error getting CPU timeCause SQL*Loader could not get the CPU time from the system.Action No action required
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