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.These may include complete or partialinterruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, andother means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.Article 42 Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 wouldbe inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea,or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace andsecurity.Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operationsby air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations.On September 18, French President Chirac surprisingly announced support for Iran s stanceand calls for negotiations with Tehran, without any preconditions or Security Council involve-ment.On Oct.3, the AEOI s Mohammad Saidi proposes that Paris could form a consortium out ofEurodif and Areva52 to carry out uranium enrichment inside Iran.An effort qualified as interest-ing by Javier Solana.(ZERROUKY 2006) However, after several meetings between the latter andIran s chief negotiator Ali L�rij�ni ended with no serious results, as Iran would not give up itsenrichment program.Thus the EU s foreign ministers declared in mid-October the temporaryfailure of the negotiations with Iran and stressed that deliberations at Security Council levelabout Chapter VII, UN Charter, sanctions on Tehran cannot be avoided any more.At the sametime, they  noted that the door to negotiations nevertheless remained open. (cf.CEU 2006: 24).The Europeans draft SCR called upon all States to stop supplying material or technology thatcould contribute to any nuclear and missile programs.It would also ban and asset freeze on or-ganizations, individuals, and companies involved in those projects.While Moscow and Beijingcalled for a settlement of the conflict via dialog and Washington  has said the European draft istoo lenient , Tehran said it is open to talks with the U.S.on regional issues (AP 2006).Thus a newphase in the nuclear conflict was being kicked off.52AREVA is a France-based multinational industrial conglomerate being the world market leader in nucleartechnology.In 2001, the company was founded as the result of the merger of CEA-Industrie, COGEMA, Frama-tome ANP, and FCI.51 i) Sanctions and Sabre-Rattling (late 2006  early 2007): The  New Iraq StrategyThe way for sanctions being paved, on Dec.23, 2006, the UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution1737 imposing sanctions on Iran.It calls Tehran to halt activities whatsoever in relation to itsnuclear program.Further, trade, travelling, and financial sanctions for those persons or institu-tions related to the Iranian nuclear program are being put into place.Moreover Within sixtydays, the IAEA should report if Iran has complied with that.Additionally, the SCR prevents Ira-nians from studying and teaching in those  disciplines which would contribute to Iran s prolifera-tion sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapon delivery systems related toatomic or missile issues (SCR1737, para.17).The sanctions would be lifted, if Iran halted itsenrichment program.Meanwhile, Germany s foreign minister, Steinmeier, affirms that P5+1 Juneproposals were still on the table.Iran s foreign minister at the same time calls the adopted SCRnot lawful as it went beyond UNSC authority (IRAN-REPORT 01/2007: 12).53On Dec.20, 2006 British Prime Minister Blair, at a speech before the business community inthe United Arab Emirates, call had called upon the region s moderates to actively support the monumental struggle between democracy and extremism in the effort to counter Iran.54 Whileclaiming that  [w]e must recognize the strategic threat the government of Iran poses, Blair holdsIran responsible for negatively interfering in Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq (BBC NEWS 2007).OnJan.17, seven Arab states and the U.S.made a common declaration calling on Iran to mend itsinterference in Iran.On Jan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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