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.She also describes for her readers the themes that ranthrough the progressive central European estate housing of the twenties view, insula-tion, ventilation, standardization, the aesthetic of flowing space and of modern con-struction and illustrates her contentions with concrete examples.Among thoseexamples are the multifamily dwelling at Weissenhof by Mies van der Rohe as well as105 Ibid., 303 304.106 Ibid., 104, 303, 306.Quotations: 254 255, 303 304.Illustrations, Mies: 17, 261, 127, 312.Gropius: 305, 104, 303, 304, 307, 234, 254, 17, 352.(Sequence corresponds to mention intext.)107 See Johnson,  Modernism in Architecture, and the review  The New World Architecture bySheldon Cheney.108 All in all, the publication includes more than sixty architects or partnerships from 16 countriesand examples of their work.Of these, 21 are German architects, interior architects, or partner-ships.109 Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip C.Johnson, The International Style, 29, 101, 107, 181 191,143 147.110 Alfred H.Barr, Jr., foreword to Hitchcock and Johnson, The International Style, 11.111 Gillian Naylor, The Bauhaus Reassessed, 172.112 See Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Philip Johnson, and Lewis Mumford, Modern Architecture: Inter-national Exhibition, 57ff., 111ff. 66 THE DISSEMINATION OF BAUHAUS IDEASthe Siemensstadt housing units, the Dessau Bauhaus, and a design by Gropius for ahousing tower dating from the twenties.113 Modern Housing also contained an extensivelist of references to other literature including numerous German publications, amongwhich were Bauhausbauten Dessau and the Werkbund-sponsored journal Die Form,described as an especially valuable source of information.In her book, Bauer providedlargely new information to the United States on Gropius, Mies, and the Bauhaus; andshe did so only one year after the Bauhaus s closing and two years before Harvard Uni-versity attempted to secure one of these two architects as professor.In 1935, the English translations of two books by former Bauhaus habitu�s werefinally published, The New Vision: From Materials to Architecture by L�szló Moholy-Nagyand The New Architecture and the Bauhaus by Walter Gropius.The former is a compila-tion of the author s Bauhaus lectures and conveys his view of the pedagogic and profes-sional tenets and goals pursued by the school.The latter book provided Americanarchitectural circles with detailed, authentic from Gropius s perspective infor-mation on the curriculum, teaching structure, educational goals, understanding ofarchitecture, and fundamental artistic-philosophical perspective of the Bauhaus asimplemented and later recalled by the school s founder.All these books could be found in the large university libraries and on the recom-mended reading lists published by architectural periodicals.Numerous reviews pro-vided the basis for the publications influence and ensured that the intellectual heritageof the Bauhaus would find its way to an American professional audience.Bibliographic Sources Bibliographies, reading lists, and reviews in periodicals andbooks became an increasingly available source of informationon the Bauhaus in the twenties.It was primarily up to the larger architectural journals,especially Architectural Record, to acquaint their readers with publications by Bauhausarchitects.Among the authors who thus made the American public aware of the Bau-haus, Henry-Russell Hitchcock should be mentioned first.In 1928 and 1929, respec-tively, he reviewed Neutra s Wie baut Amerika? and Gropius s Internationale Architektur,as well as other contemporaneous architecture periodicals.114Pauline Fullerton, head of the Department of Art and Architecture of the NewYork Public Library in the late twenties, was also well informed about all newly pub-lished books on the Bauhaus.She compiled reading lists for Architectural Record thatincluded not only titles but also brief synopses.Her July 1928 review of the referencework Die Baukunst der neuesten Zeit by Gustav Adolf Platz cited the book as one of themost important sources of information on new European architecture:  A discussion ofthe new movement in architecture, followed by more than four hundred illustrations ofvarious types of buildings, predominantly German.There is a brief dictionary of archi-tects and their works and an index of text and plates. 115 Platz s book became the very 67 EXPLICIT INFORMATION ABOUT THE BAUHAUSpublication that guided Johnson on his first architectural tours through Europe.Theworks by Gropius it mentioned are Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar, 1919 1923,116 thefirst Bauhaus book Internationale Architektur (1925), and the seventh Bauhaus book,Neue Arbeiten der Bauhaus-Werkst�tten (1927) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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