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.funonto a inter-island transport ship, or blag of the main landmarks.It takes about 50 most everyone rides them, from teenagers rentals.co.ck; opposite airport, next to Rarotonga Rentals)your way onto a private yacht.See p178 for minutes to circumnavigate the island.right through to old-age pensioners.All The only company on the island that offers bubble-shapedinter-island transport within the Cooks.All buses leave from the bus stop outside car-rental agencies rent motorbikes, gener-  scootcars.When you arrive at the airport, remem- Cook s Corner in Avarua.Daytime buses ally 70cc to 100cc models.Ring around to Island Car & Bike Hire (www.islandcarhire.co.ck)ber to tip a wink to Jake, your ukelele- going clockwise around the island depart find the best deal or just walk up the main  Arorangi (Map pp52-3; %22632; Ara Tapu); Avarua (Mapplaying musical cabaret, who ll be crooning every hour on the hour from 7am to 4pm road in Avarua and pop in.The lowest rates pp56 7; %24632; opposite Punanga Nui market); Muritraditional songs of welcome inside the on weekdays, 1pm to 4pm on Saturday, and are about NZ$20/90 per day/week (most (Map p64; %21632) Local firm with scooters, motorbikesmain airport terminal.from 8am to midday and 2pm to 4pm on places offer discounts for weekly rentals).and cars.Cheap weekly rates, but don t expect luxuries likeSunday.Many hotels also rent motorbikes.working speedometers.GETTING AROUND Buses going anticlockwise depart at 25 Nearly all the rental motorbikes are auto- Rarotonga Rentals (Map pp52-3; %22326; wwwTo/From the Airport minutes past every hour, 8.25am to 4.30pm matic, but if you can be bothered to master a.rarotongarentals.co.ck; opposite airport) The usual rangeMost hotels, motels and hostels send vans on weekdays only.semi-automatic gearshift, they usually guz- of scooters, motorbikes and cars, as well as a few luxuryto the airport to meet international flights A night-time bus service runs clockwise zle petrol at a much more economical rate.runabouts.(transfers are generally around NZ$10 to only from Monday to Thursday and on Take the time to learn how to ride the bike Tipani Rentals (Map pp52-3; %22382;  Arorangi)NZ$15, although some places provide pick- Saturday from 6pm to 10pm, with extra before heading out onto the main road  Opposite Edgewater Resort.Mainly rents scooters andup for free).hourly buses on Friday night from mid- they re pretty simple to control, but take a motorbikes.Raro Tours (Map pp52-3; provides night to 2am.bit of getting used to  and be extra care-%25325)transfers to and from the airport for a flat The service runs pretty much on time  ful of the red-hot exhaust pipe beside your The driving on Rarotonga is reasonably saneone-way fee of NZ$10 to anywhere on the you can usually work out when the next bus right leg, especially if you re riding pinion.(except late on Friday and Saturday whenisland.They always meet incoming inter- is likely to come along, or just stand on the Budget is the only company with safe- there s heavy drinking).The speed limit isnational flights, but you ll need to book in side of the road and flag the bus down any- looking helmets.If you insist on wearing 30km/h (19mph) in town, 40km/h (25mph)advance if you re travelling to the airport.Or where along its route.one, you ll certainly occupy the moral out of town.Drive on the left-hand side ofyou could book a taxi (see opposite).The bus fare is NZ$3 for one ride, NZ$5 ground, but don t be surprised if you get a the road  and look out for dogs.The last option, available during the for a return trip (two rides) or NZ$20 for a few funny stares.There are two important rental-car rules:day (but not for most international flights, 10-ride ticket.Children s fares are NZ$1.50 Rates are around NZ$55/65 per day for a don t leave the car windows open, not be-which mostly turn up in the middle of the single, NZ$2 return.A family day pass, valid small/medium car and NZ$70 per day for cause of the risk of theft, but because of thenight), is the (anticlockwise) Cook s Pas- for two adults and two kids, costs NZ$20.a jeep, with discounts for three- to five-day chances of an unexpected tropical downpoursenger Transport bus (below ) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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