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.In some cases, the opposition may pose problems through the partners not being able tosee eye to eye over financial problems.On the other hand, when the planets are favorablyconfigured, Uranus may be the sudden recipient of Jupiter's bounty.Jupiter/NeptuneA sympathetic rapport exists between these two planets and when one partner's Jupiter is infavorable aspect to the other's Neptune it is possible for them to develop an intuitive understanding ofeach other's spiritual aspirations and sense of moral values.Jupiter can foster and encourageNeptune's inspiration and idealism, while Neptune's compassionate nature can help to find suitablycharitable outlets for Jupiter's philanthropic impulses, adding a subtle new dimension to hisphilosophical understanding.The conjunction is particularly felicitous unless adversely aspected from other sectors of either chart.Each will sympathetically appreciate the aspirations of the other and Neptune can bring a feeling ofrich fulfillment to Jupiter, which can extend to the material plane, bringing financial benefits.When the two planets are in unfavorable aspect or either is debilitated, Neptune may mislead Jupiter,not always deliberately, so that Jupiter feels his confidence has been misplaced.A mutual lack oftrust may develop and in some cases Neptune may succeed in taking advantage of his generosity,perhaps playing on his sympathies with hard luck stories or defrauding him of financial or otherresources.Jupiter may not appreciate Neptune's broader interpretation of moral issues and maydoubt his sincerity of purpose.Both planets are expansive in action and can lead to exaggeration of various kinds when they arecombined in a nativity.This tendency to exaggeration, operating in the realm of human relation-ships,may encourage Jupiter to "show off" in front of Neptune, and Neptune to play act before Jupiter.Jupiter/PlutoPluto can make Jupiter more aware of his generous impulses and philanthropic urges and help him torealize some of the deep level potentials underlying his understanding of philosophical concepts, withthe result that some kind of transformation takes place in Jupiter's awareness.Jupiter can increasePluto's optimism and give him a greater understanding of philosophical values, assisting him at thesame time to achieve his ambitions more smoothly and persuasively and helping him to find himself aposition of power and influence.Through his inside knowledge Pluto may be able to help Jupiterfinancially.When the two are in unfavorable aspect or either is debilitated, Pluto may obstinately refuse to acceptJupiter's philosophy of life and moral standards, while Jupiter may find Pluto too single-mind-edly seton his own course of action and completely unwilling to make concessions. Saturn/SaturnWhen the two partner's Saturns are in favorable aspect, they will each appreciate the other's sense ofresponsibility and each will feel he can rely upon the integrity of the other.One partner's capacity forself-discipline will not operate to the discomfiture of the other and each should be able to pursue hispractical aims and ambitions without clashing with the other.This contact is a stabilizing factor inmarriage, business and friendship, introducing an element of solidarity, reliability and dependabilitythat makes for permanence in the relationship.The partners should be able to collaboratesuccessfully in making plans for financial security and retirement.The experience of one partner willcomplement and reinforce the experience of the other, while each may be able to teach the othervaluable lessons, the process being much less painful than when the two Saturns are in adverseaspect.When they are linked by an adverse aspect or either is debilitated, the partners may not see eye toeye over the division of responsibility, particularly when the two Saturns are in square.Any area of lifein which one partner feels inferior may lead him to over-compensate at the other's expense.Suchsituations are apt to lead to a struggle for supremacy and, while each partner may have justice on hisside according to his own way of thinking, the methods by which each tries to achieve his results candiffer so fundamentally that it becomes difficult for the two to find any real basis on which they canwork together in harmony.An agreement to allocate to each his own separate areas of responsibility,in which he will operate according to his own ideas and methods, may be the best way of dealing withthe situation.There may also be need to avoid a clash between the ambitions of each partner and insome cases each may be better off following his own independent career.The adverse aspects tend to test each partner's sense of security and to probe his inferioritycomplexes, producing a rather edgy atmosphere.In parent-child relationships this contact may beparticularly difficult, while it tends to have a dampening effect on friendships [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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