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.The smell of Sidhe roses was as rich and intoxicating asany drug.A dizzying number of breathtaking faces turned toward Diana as she marched down the aisle,three Sidhe ladies following behind to help her manage The Dress.Her heart was pounding sohard, she was surprised it wasn't visible right through her jeweled bodice.As she neared the front of the throne room by her father's side, she spotted the rest of her family:her mother, grandfather, and brother, all looking a little uncomfortable in their court garb.Marly London beamed in the scarlet gown Llyr had conjured for her, while Diana's grandfathergrinned like a Halloween pumpkin, surrounded by the Sidhe he'd been fascinated by since he was aboy.Brother Jim, tall and striking in navy blue, looked slightly grim and distracted.She resolvedto hunt him down and find out what was bugging him as soon as she had a spare minute.Then at last they reached the throne, and her father presented her hand to Llyr.There was asuspicious gleam of moisture in the big werewolf's eyes along with a great deal of pride.Dianafloated the rest of the way to Llyr's side, dazzled by his golden Sidhe beauty.The ceremony itself passed in a blur as the Dragon Priest requested Cachamwri's blessing ontheir union in rolling Sidhe phrases.Luckily, Diana now spoke the language thanks to a timelyspell Llyr had cast on her and her family.She managed the expected responses without trippingover her own tongue, vowing to love and honor her royal husband.He returned the oath in a proudvoice, the joy in his eyes making her heart draw tight in her chest.Finally Llyr honored the customs of both Sidhe and Western humans by sliding a wedding bandon her finger and clasping a Sidhe bond bracelet around her wrist.Then it was her turn to work thegold band over his strong finger.The clasp of the bracelet gave her a little more trouble, but withsome excruciating fumbling, she managed it.United at last, they shared a giddy grin before the priest leaned forward to prompt, "The crown!"Reminded, Diana sank hastily to her knees as a Sidhe page approached with a more delicate version of Llyr's crown nestled on a velvet cushion.Llyr turned toward the audience.No one stirred or coughed as he spoke in that beautiful voice ofhis."I have asked Diana London to marry me because she has captured my heart.But I asked her tobe my queen because I know she will serve you, my people, with courage, intelligence, andwisdom.You will come to love her as I have."Her heart thundered like a bass drum as he turned and placed the crown over her head.It wasmuch heavier than it looked.Then Llyr snatched her off her knees and into his arms.The entire crowd rose to their feet with aroar as he took her mouth in a kiss that seared her to her toes.Thousands of watching Sidhe or no,she kissed him back with all the joy and heat in her heart.Jim London hovered next to the Sidhe equivalent of the buffet table, holding a delicate platepiled high with tiny munchies, exchanging small talk with excruciatingly beautiful people, andcounting the minutes until he could flee.Swear to God, he'd never been so damned uncomfortable in his life.And his baby sister was going to live like this?Oh, well.At least she and her king were madly in love.Jim had cornered the big Sidhe the daybefore the wedding and given him a thorough grilling.It was obvious Llyr was just as nuts aboutDiana as she was about him.Still, just in case, Jim had changed to Dire Wolf form for the king, ostensibly to demonstrate he'dbe more than happy to serve as bodyguard if the need ever arose again.In fact, however, he wasmaking sure Llyr knew it wasn't a good idea to hurt Jim's beloved baby sister.To his satisfaction,the king had looked thoroughly impressed.Apparently he'd seen Diana in Dire Wolf form, but Jimwas a whole hell of a lot bigger.Point made."Jim!" Diana's happy shriek brought his head up the moment before she threw herself against him.He pulled her into a hug, aware that Llyr was standing just behind her.Sometime during the night, her dress had transformed into something a little lighter and less gem-encrusted, which was a good thing.Otherwise even Diana wouldn't have been able to dance in it.That intimidating crown was gone, too, replaced by a delicate little coronet that circled her darkcurls.Jim hugged her happily."Hi there, Your Majesty.Are you tipsy?" There was more than a hint ofalcohol on her breath.She gave him a glowing grin.Damn, it was good to see her so happy."Heck, yeah.That Sidhewine is really, really good." "I noticed." He'd had a few glasses of it himself.Good thing his werewolf constitution was up toprocessing just about anything.Suddenly her brilliant smile faded."I heard about Tony.I'm really sorry."Jim's mouth tightened as he lifted his own glass and swallowed a mouthful of the wine."Yeah.His mother& " He shook his head.Diana's tipsy gaze suddenly sharpened."I know that look.You're planning something."He forced a grin."Who me? Wouldn't dream of it."She exchanged a look with Llyr."Yeah, right."Jim protested his innocent intentions, more for form than anything else, but his sister wasn'tfooled.She knew him far too well.Diana made her way into the throne room with the exaggerated care of a woman who'd had onetoo many.Well, maybe more than one she'd lost count.Now her nervous system was buzzing soloudly, she craved a moment of relative silence to herself.Well, she'd rather find Llyr and a nice, quiet bed, but when she'd toured the ballroom looking forhim, he'd disappeared.Didn't it figure? He'd been all over her all night, but the minute she wantedto disappear with him poof!With a sigh, Diana stopped in the doorway and stared down the long, lushly elegant room at thetwo imposing thrones at the end of it.One of those is mine.It was a mind-blowing thought.Unable to resist, she walked down the aisle to the thrones and stopped before them.Hers wasslightly less massive that Llyr's, but it was no less ornate.The back was worked with gleamingjeweled dragon shapes: flying, hunting, roaring with spread wings.It would have been damneduncomfortable to sit on, but luckily the parts that would actually make contact with her butt andback were thickly upholstered in red velvet.Deciding to try it out, Diana turned and sat down, settling back carefully.The throne was surprisingly comfortable, though to be honest, just getting off her aching feet washeavenly all by itself.She settled back with a sigh and closed her eyes.Just before she could sink into an exhausted doze, the double doors opened and shut."Hello,Your Majesty."Diana opened one eye and watched Llyr saunter down the aisle toward her, tall and male andthoroughly gorgeous.It was hard to believe she was married to such an incredible man."Helloyourself, Your Majesty."When he reached her, he went smoothly to one knee and lowered his head in a graceful bow. "How may your humble courtier serve you, Oh Queen?"She grinned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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