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.After you retrieve the source, read it, then continue reading thebook.Throughout the book, perform this operation whenever and wherever applicable.Ifyou do so, you will finish with a very solid basic education on Internet security.I have constructed this book in this manner because Internet security is not a static field;it changes rapidly.Nonetheless, there are certain basics that every person interested insecurity must have.Those basics are not contained (in their entirety) in any one book(perhaps not even in dozens of them).The information is located on the Internet in theform of documents written by authorities on the subject.These are the people who eitherdesigned and developed the Internet or have designed and developed its security features.The body of their work is vast, but each paper or technical report is, at most, 40 pages inlength (most are fewer than 10).Those readers who want only a casual education in Internet security may read the bookwithout ever retrieving a single document from the Internet.But if you are searching forsomething more, something deeper, you can obtain it by adhering to this procedure.If you choose to use the book as a reference tool in the manner I have described, there arecertain conventions that you need to know.If the resource you have been directed to is atool, consider downloading it even if it is not for your platform.With a proper archivetool (like Winzip), you can extract the documents that accompany the distribution of thattool.Such documents often contain extremely valuable information.For example, thenow famous scanner named SATAN (made expressly for UNIX) contains securitytutorials in HTML.These do not require that you have UNIX (in fact, all they require is abrowser).Likewise, many other tools contain documents in PDF, TXT, DOC, PS, andother formats that are readable on any platform.TIP: SATAN is a special case.Some of the tutorials are in HTML but have *.PLextensions.These extensions are used to signify documents that are written in Perl.If youdo not have Perl installed, convert these documents to raw HTML.To do so, open themin a text editor and replace the first line ( [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • szamanka888.keep.pl
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