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.This attribute was introduced by Internet Explorer 3.0 and now appears in theHTML 4.0 Specification.It is not supported by Netscape as of this writing.summary=textProvides a summary of the table contents for use with non-visual browsers.vspace=numberHolds a number of pixels space above and below an aligned table (same asvspace in the tag).width=number, percentageSpecifies the width of the entire table.It can be specified in a specific numberof pixels or by percentage of the browser window.Internet Explorer 2.0 and higher onlybordercolor="#rrggbb" orcolor nameSpecifies the color of the main center portion of a table border.(Tableborders are rendered using three color values to create a 3-D effect.)bordercolorlight="#rrggbb" orcolor nameSpecifies the color of the light shade used to render 3-D-looking tableborders.bordercolordark="#rrggbb" orcolor nameSpecifies the color of the dark shade used to render 3-D-looking tableborders.NN: 2, 3, 4 - MSIE: 2, 3, 4, 5 - HTML 4 - WebTV - Opera3.Defines a row or group of rows as the  body of the table.It must contain at leastone row ().The end tag is optional. Row group tags (tbody, thead, and tfoot) were introduced by InternetExplorer and are part of the HTML 4.0 Specification, but all attributes may not befully supported.The system could speed table display and provide a mechanismfor scrolling the body of a table independently of its head and foot.It could alsobe useful for printing long tables for which the head information could be printedon each page.172 Chapter 10  TablesWeb Design in a Nutshell, eMatter EditionCopyright � 2000 O Reilly & Associates, Inc.All rights reserved. Summary of Table TagsAttributesalign=left|center|right|justify|charSpecifies horizontal alignment (or justification) of cell contents.char=characterSpecifies a character along which the cell contents will be aligned.The defaultcharacter is a decimal point (language-appropriate).charoff=lengthSpecifies the distance to the first alignment character (char) on each line.If aline doesn t use an alignment character, it should be horizontally shifted toend at the alignment position.valign=top|middle|bottom|baselineSpecifies vertical alignment of cell contents.NN: 2, 3, 4 - MSIE: 2, 3, 4, 5 - HTML 4 - WebTV - Opera3.Defines a table data cell.The end tag is not required, but may prevent unpredict-able table display, particularly if the cell contains images.A table cell can containany content, including another table.Attributesalign=left|center|rightAligns the text (or other elements) within a table cell.The default value isleft.This attribute has been deprecated by the W3C 4.0 Spec in favor ofpositioning with style sheets.background=urlSpecifies a graphic image to be used as a tile within the cell.Netscape s docu-mentation does not cover this tag, but it is supported by version 4.bgcolor="#rrggbb" orcolor nameSpecifies a color to be used in the table cell.A cell s background color over-rides colors specified at the row or table levels.colspan=numberSpecifies the number of columns the current cell should span.The defaultvalue is 1.According to the W3C 4.0 Specification, the value zero ( 0 ) meansthe current cell spans all columns from the current column to the last columnin the table; in reality, however, this feature is not supported in currentlyavailable 4.0 browsers.height=number, percentageSpecifies the height of the cell in number of pixels or by a percentage valuerelative to the table height.The height specified in the first column will applyto the rest of the cells in the row.The height values need to be consistent forcells in a particular row.This attribute has been deprecated in the W3C 4.0Specification.Summary of Table Tags 173Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter EditionCopyright � 2000 O Reilly & Associates, Inc.All rights reserved. Summary of Table TagsnowrapDisables automatic text wrapping for the current cell.Line breaks must beadded with a or.This attribute has been deprecated by the W3C 4.0Spec in favor of style sheet controls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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