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.It can be seen athttp://www.igs.net/carsecrets/What would you recommend for the best exposure at yourwebsite (best value for the dollar) and what would be thecost.I would even consider being linked (or listed) frommultiple sections of your website or having you sell thebooks directly; do you have any other suggestions?I am looking for a long-term advertising relationship, sokeep that in mind when making your suggestions.I amready to start ASAP, so a quick response would beappreciated.I do have a few other questions.First, how many visitorsdo you get a week?Second, how many visits do you get to the individualsection(s) you are suggesting I link from?Lastly, do you accept credit cards for sponsorshippayment, or is a business check better for you?Thanks for your time and help.I look forward to doingbusiness.Insider Secrets 4 - 11 Corey Rudl(604) 730-2833carsecrets@igs.netYou will get a lot of replies if you use a format similarto the one above.Keep in mind that you will have some  undesirablereplies.What I mean by this is some sites will havealmost no visitors (you don t want to sponsor a sitethat has less that 3000 visitors a month& it is just awaste of time) OR you will get website owners whowant ridiculous amounts of money for displaying yourbanners& and you will get some  corny replies too.The objective of this mass email campaign is to find10-40 sites that have cheap advertising rates or do notcurrently offer advertising (so they don t know what itis worth) but willing to try it.You will be surprised athow many people there are out there with sites theyconstructed on a  whim , not in it for money, whichone day turned out to generate a large number of hits.Some people are simply amused by the whole thingand are happy that people want to come to their siteregardless of how much money they make from it.These are the types of sites you want to get a holdof.I have sites that get me over 11,000 visitors amonth that only charge me $30 a month foradvertising.You will find some sites that want tocharge you $800+ for this kind of traffic.This isridiculous, which is why they probably do not have asponsor currently.The going rate is $20 - $30 per 1,000 pages viewed.Some people charge as high as $120 per 1,000 viewsand others as little at $2.It really depends on the site,how big they are and whether or not they are reallysavvy on the net and know what is going on.Your goal is to find the sites that are not aware ofcurrent advertising prices and may only charge youInsider Secrets 4 - 12 NOTES:$20 - $50 for a banner on a site that gets 10,000visitors a month.All these site owners want to do isrecover their costs for hosting the site, and really don tknow what banner ad space is worth.These types ofsites are goldmines �# just agree to pay them once amonth and you are ready to go.Many people will say they offer banner advertising andwill quote you numbers they pulled out of the sky.They have no idea what banner advertising is worthand just guess at what you are willing to pay.I wouldsay 90% of all the people that contact you arewilling to negotiate price.Some will discount it asmuch as 70%, while others will only move 10-20%, soremember to always ask for a discount& but do itpolitely.You could email them back with the followingstatement:Thanks for replying.I am interested in doing business.I am dealing with over 50 sites right now and I want tospend my advertising budget wisely.My plan of action isto advertise on as many sites as I can possibly affordfor the first 2 months and then see which of them is themost profitable for me.With the ones that areprofitable, I will want to do business for a very, verylong time.I was hoping that we could do better on the pricing youquoted me.I understand that you have to make money& andso do I.I can assure you that if you can come down inprice I will pick you as one of the sites I start with.If things go well after 2 months we can re-negotiate andyou may raise your price if justified.I ask this becauseit seems as though there are so many price ranges& I havepeople offering me space for $20 a month for 5000visitors, and others want so much money for the sameamount of visitors, it is almost embarrassing to mentionit here.As one small website owner to another, I hope we bothsucceed and I hope that you can help me by lowering thisprice temporarily to help me  spread my money as far aspossible in the first few months of my banner adcampaign.Insider Secrets 4 - 13 If you feel that this is not possible, please considerusing my banner in your banner  dead space.If you donot have a sponsor for a certain period of time (whetherit be a week or a month), I would be willing to pay tofill those  dead spots if we can come to an agreement onprice.It would be better to have a little money in yourpocket, instead of no money for the  dead space youhave, wouldn t it?I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward toa mutually profitable relationship.Don t hesitate to call me if you want to talk in person.My number is (604) 730-2833.Thanks.Corey RudlPresidentOnce you get through this first stage, you will want todo a "follow-up" email to maximize your results.This will require you to do another mass-emailbroadcast to the list again.Approximately two weeksafter the first email broadcast, take all the emailaddresses out of the initial list that responded.Re-email the remaining people, and mentioning you didnot hear back from them and are still interested indoing business with them.Include a copy of the lastemail at the bottom so they know what you arereferring to.This will get you many more replies (and usuallymore qualified ones) as many website owners will havedeleted your first email thinking it was junk mail �# Afollow up means you are serious.Here is what you could say:Subject: Follow upHi,I sent you an email 2 weeks ago aboutadvertising/sponsoring on your website.I did not hearback from you and I would like to do business.Insider Secrets 4 - 14 NOTES:I have pasted a copy of the last email at the bottom ofthis email so you can review it in case you don t recallthe content.Could you send me a quick email just to let me know ifyou are interested or not interested.I look forward to hearing from you and I wish yourwebsite the best of luck.Thanks.Corey Rudl--------- (COPY OF FIRST MESSAGE GOES HERE) ----------I asked you earlier to rate the "compatibility" of thesesites to yours because the ones that have a very highcompatibility, you will want to email again and againuntil they reply.These  perfect matches could be sovaluable to you that you will want to pursue themaggressively.Always look at all of the options when someonecontacts you.If they say they don t offer banneradvertising at their sites, offer to trade reciprocallinks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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