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.As his body was adorned with all the good signs and marks, therep.427; "A New Account of the East Indies," by Alexander Hamilton.These arose from the pores of his hair and from the palms of his hands all sorts ofare cited by Young, op.cit., pp.2 and 9.precious ornaments in the shape of all kinds of flowers, incense, scents, gar-ytlands, ointments, umbrellas, flags, and banners, and in the shape of all kinds of' See Zimmer.Myth.' u.>\c! Symbol: in Indian Art and Civilization, Figure 70.57 instrumental music.And there appeared also, streaming forth from the palmsSee Plate X.!)ti of his hands, all kinds of viands and drink, food, hard and soft, and sweet-Sec B.Spencer and F.J.Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australiameats, and all kinds of eniyiivjni> and pleasures (1 he Larger Sitkhav/rh-(London, 1899), p.263; Roheim, The Eternal Ones of the Dream, pp.164-165.Vywha, 10; "Sacred Books of the East," Vol.XLIX, Part 11, pp.'"26-27).The subincision produces artificially a hypospadias resembling that of a certainclass of hermaphrodites.(See the portrait of the hermaphrodite Marie Ange, inYoung, op, cit., p.20.) "a Ibid., pp.48-68.142 INITIATION APOTHEOSISpray for them which despitefully use you.And unto him thatis saved for home, while the "bad" is flung abroad and about:smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that"for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defytaketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.Give tothe armies of the living God?"104 "And slacken not in follow-every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thying up the enemy: if ye are suffering hardships, they are suffer-goods ask them not again.And as ye would that men should doing similar hardships; but ye have hope from Allah, while theyto you, do ye also to them likewise.For if ye love them whichhave none."105love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those thatTotem, tribal, racial, and aggressively missionizing cults rep-love them.And if ye do good to them which do good to you,resent only partial solutions of the psychological problem ofwhat thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.And if yesubduing hate by love; they only partially initiate.Ego is not an-lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye"?nihilated in them; rather, it is enlarged; instead of thinking onlyfor sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.of himself, the individual becomes dedicated to the whole of hisBut love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping forsociety.The rest of the world meanwhile (that is to say, by farnothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall bethe greater portion of mankind) is left outside the sphere of histhe children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthank-sympathy and protection because outside the sphere of the pro-ful and to the evil.Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father alsotection of his god.And there takes place, then, that dramatic di-is merciful."10'vorce of the two principles of love and hate which the pages ofhistory so bountifully illustrate.Instead of clearing his own heart Once we have broken free of the prejudices of our own provin-the zealot tries to clear the world.The laws of the City of God cially limited ecclesiastical, tribal, or national rendition of theare applied only to his in-group (tribe, church, nation, class, or world archetypes, it becomes possible to understand that thewhat not) while the fire of a perpetual holy war is hurled (with supreme initiation is not that of the local motherly fathers, whogood conscience, and indeed a sense of pious service) against then project aggression onto the neighbors for their own defense.whatever uncircumcised, barbarian, heathen, "native," or alienpeople happens to occupy the position of neighbor.1015 " 07 Luke, 6:27-36.Compare the following Christian letter:The world is full of the resultant mutually contending bands:In the Tear of Our Lord 1682totem-, flag-, and party-worshipers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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