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./ His member of parliament dideverything in his power/ to save the man,/ but all to no purpose./ The prisoner wasallowed to smoke,/ even though he had his hands tied./ The president was elected/ by thepeople twice./ A trade-union is an organization/ which protects/ the workers./ Nearly alltrades have their unions/ - butchers, bakers etc./ It was extremely difficult,/ but theyfinally managed/ to rescue the sailor from the island.LESSON 116GENDER OF NOUNSMASCULINE FEMININE NEUTER GENDERmęski żeński nijaki rodzaj (gramatyczny)NORMAN INVASION SIMPLERNormański inwazja prostszy Before the Norman invasion of England in 1066, English was like German andother European languages as regards the gender of nouns; that is, a pen could bemasculine, a pencil feminine, and a book neuter.After 1066, things became muchsimpler and the rule today is that:- /729 All words for males are masculine in gender.All words for females are feminine in gender.All words for things are neuter in gender.WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GENDER OF NOUNS IN THE ENGLISHLANGUAGE AFTER 1066 ? After 1066, the gender of nouns in the English languagebecame simpler - All words for males became masculine in gender.All.femalesbecame feminine.All.for things became neuter.We can sometimes form a feminine noun from a masculine noun by adding theletters - "ess," e.g./ACTOR - ACTRESS aktorka GOD - GODDESS boginiHOST - HOSTESS gospodyni POET - POETESS poetkaPRIEST - PRIESTESS kapłanka WAITER - WAITRESS kelnerkaHOW DO WE SOMETIMES FORM A FEMININE NOUN FROM AMASCULINE NOUN ? We sometimes form a.by adding the letters "-ess"WHAT'S THE FEMININE OF "ACTOR, HOST." ETC.?/ The feminine ofactor is actress.Other examples of masculine and feminine nouns are as follows:-730 DOCTOR - WOMAN-DOCTOR NEPHEW - NIECElekarz - lekarka siostrzeniec - siostrzenicaTEACHER - WOMAN-TEACHER LANDLORD - LANDLADYnauczyciel - nauczycielka gospodarz - gospodyniWIDOWER - WIDOW wdowiec - wdowaWHAT'S THE FEMININE FORM OF THESE WORDS ?- DOCTOR:TEACHER: LANDLORD: WIDOWER AND NEPHEW ?/ Woman-doctor.Instead of the word "woman", we could use the words "lady" or "female". EVENT TILL NOW UNEVENTFULwydarzenie, dyscyplina sportu do tej chwili nieciekaweWHAT HAS BEEN, TILL NOW, THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OFYOUR LIFE ? Until now, the most.has been.WHY?WHICH RUNNING EVENT DO YOU LIKE TO WATCH ? (LONG ORSHORT DISTANCE ? ETC.) / I like to watch the 100 metres.etc.731 WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAD LED AN UNEVENTFUL LIFE? Yes, I'd sayI'd led an.or.No, I wouldn't say I'd led.,but I'd say I'd led an eventful lifeCONCERN dotyczyćARE YOU THE KIND OF PERSON WHO LIKES TO PUT HIS NOSE INTOTHINGS THAT DON'T CONCERN HIM (NOT NECESSARILY IN AN UNPLEASANT MANNER) ? Yes, I'm the kind of person who.or.No, I'm not the.OUT-OF-DATE nie ważne, przestarzałe UP-TO-DATE ważne, modneTELL ME SOMETHING WHICH IS OUT-OF-DATE? Certain kinds of cars,clothes etc.are out-of-date.WHAT'S THE CONTRARY OF "OUT-OF-DATE" ? The contrary of.is"up-to-date"WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IF ONE TRIED TO TRAVEL WITH A TICKET THATWAS OUT-OF-DATE? If one tried to.one might have topay extra or even pay a fine.DO YOU ALWAYS BUY THINGS THAT ARE UP-TO-DATE ? Yes, I alwaysbuy.or.No, I don't always.732 THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE A ONE-ARMED MANmężczyzna z jednym ramieniemThe Indefinite Article "a" is used before a word beginning with a consonant, whilst"an" is used before a vowel, or an "h" that is not sounded.For example - a Book -an Eye: a Horse - an Honour./ WHEN DO WE USE THE INDEFINITE ARTICLES "A" AND "AN" ? We usethe indefinite article "a" before a word beginning with a consonant,whilst we use "an" before a vowel, or an "h" that is not soundedGIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES.A Pen - An Arm; A House - An HourWe say "A Useless pen; A One-armed man; A European," because, although thesewords begin with a vowel, they really have a consonant sound.WHY DO WE SAY "A UNIVERSITY" AND NOT "AN UNIVERSITY", EVENTHOUGH THE WORD "UNIVERSITY" BEGINS WITH A VOWEL ?/ We say"a university" and.because the word "university"really begins with a consonant soundGIVE ME SOME OTHER EXAMPLES, PLEASE ! A United people; A One-eyed dog733 WHAT A BOOK ! WHAT WEATHER ! CARELESSNESSco za książka co za pogoda nieostrożnośćWe use the article "a" in the exclamation "What a book!", because books arethings we can count - one book, two books etc.; but we don't use the article "a" inthe exclamation "What weather!" because "weather" is not something we cancount.We can't say "one weather, two weathers"./WHY DO WE USE THE WORD "A" IN THE EXCLAMATION "WHAT ABOOK!" BUT NOT IN THE >EXCLAMATION "WHAT WEATHER!"?We use the word "a".because books are things we can'count, whilst "weather" is not something we can countCAN YOU GIVE ME SOME OTHER EXAMPLES, PLEASE?/ What a man!What a beautiful picture! What a pity! What coffee!What good wine! What carelessness!When the noun in the exclamation is in the plural, there is no article.For example,"What a book!" becomes "What books!".WHAT HAPPENS TO THE ARTICLE IN AN EXCLAMATION WHEN THENOUN IS IN THE PLURAL? When the noun is in the plural in anexclamation, there is no articleGIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES, PLEASE !/ What books! What men! Whatbeautiful pictures! 734 WORM SILKWORM SILKrobak jedwabnik jedwabWHAT KIND OF WORMS ARE THERE ? There are earth-worms, silkworms,woodworms etc.LIMBkończyna, członek ciałaIF YOU HADTO LOSE A LIMB, WHICH'D YOU CHOOSE TO LOSE ?If I had to.I'd choose to lose.WHY ?POISON trucizna TAKE POISON zażyć truciznęWOULD YOU PREFER TO TAKE POISON THAN TO*BEjSHOT? Yes, I'dprefer.or.No, I wouldn't prefer.WHY OR WHY NOT?/CAVE jaskinia CAVEMAN jaskiniowiecWHAT DO WE MEAN BY A CAVEMAN TYPE OF PERSON ? By a cavemantype of person we mean a man who's big and strong like menused to be when they lived hi caves.or.a man whobehaves badly, as men used to when they lived in caves735 DESERVE zasługiwaćDO YOU THINK SOME PEOPLE DESERVE MORE OF THE GOOD THINGSOF THIS LIFE THAN OTHERS ? Yes, I think some.w [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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