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.or.No, I haven't.WHAT DID IT SOUND LIKE ? It sounded.2160SCATTER ROW DISORDERLYrozrzucić, rozsypać rząd, szereg, hałas, awantura nieuporządkowany WHAT ARE THE DISADVANTAGES OF SCATTERING SEEDS ON THE LANDINSTEAD OF SETTING THEM CAREFULLY IN THE GROUND IN ROWS ?/The disadvantages of.are that birds eat them,the wind blows them away, etc.869 WHY DOES A DISORDERLY CROWD OF PEOPLE SCATTER WHEN THEPOLICE ARRIVE ? When the police arrive, a disorderly crowd of people scatters becausepeople are afraid of being arrested or hit by the police,.etc.TAP TURN ON ANTICLOCKWISEkran, kurek odkręcić odwrotnie do wskazówek zegaraWHAT AM I DOING ? You're tapping your fingers on the tableIN WHICH DIRECTION DOES ONE NORMALLY TURN A WATER-TAP ON ?One normally turns a water-tap on in an anticlockwise directionUPSIDE DOWN do góry nogami RIGHT WAY UP prawidłowe położenieWHAT AM I DOING ?/ You're turning the book upside-downWHAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF "UPSIDE - DOWN" ? The opposite of.is theright way upWEAR RUB WORN-OUT MENDbyć ubranym, nosić trzeć, zacierać zniszczony naprawić870 WHAT'D HAPPEN IF I KEPT RUBBING MY ARM ON THE EDGE OF THETABLE, LIKE SO? If you kept rubbing your.you'd wear the arm of your jacket(or dress) smooth and probably wear a hole in itWHAT DO WE DO WITH THINGS THAT ARE WORN - OUT ? / We mend orthrow away thinks that are worn-outEXPERIENCE doświadczenie QUALIFICATION kwalifikacjeWHICH DO YOU THINK'S MORE IMPORTANT - EXPERIENCE ORQUALIFICATIONS ? 1 think it depends.DEBT długWHAT DOES IT MEAN: "TO BE IN DEBT"? "To be in debt" means that we owesomebody something, usually money INTERRUPT przerwać INTERRUPTION przerwaWHAT DO WE SAY WHEN WE INTERRUPT SOMEONE WHO'S SPEAKING ?When we.we say "Excuse me"WHAT DO THEY SAY ON TELEVISION WHEN THERE'S AN INTERRUPTION ?When there's an interruption on television, they say"We're sorry for the interruption."871 MENTION wzmianka, wspomniećGIVE ME A SENTENCE WITH THE WORD "MENTION" IN IT./ Would youmention to Mr.Green the fact that he still hasn'tpaid his bill, and see what he saysIDIOM 35GET HOLD OF THE WRONG END OF THE STICK = understand thezle zrozumieć opposite of what is meante.g.No, you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick.It's the opposite of what I meantWHAT DOES THE IDIOM "GET HOLD OF THE WRONG END OF THESTICK" MEAN ? The idiom."understand the opposite."GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE ! Every time you explain anything to him, healways seems to get hold of the wrong end of the stickDICTATION 73 CLOTHING odzież, bieliznaOn the whole/we speak English rather well now./ I have a clothing account/ atWestman's,/ where I spend nearly all my money./ The eastern states of North America/were settled by the Europeans before the western states./ Before drawing money from abank/ it is usually necessary/ to sign a cheque./ The size of the temple/ was much greaterthan we had expected./ After a very violent storm/ the navy found/ that many of its bestships/ had been broken on the rocks./1 would not dare/ to differ with his opinions.872 LESSON 133WAS + INFINITIVE"Was" (or "were") plus an infinitive expresses a future event in relation to the past,e.g."I did not realize back in 1940 that I was never to see my mother again." GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF "WAS" OR "WERE" PLUS AN INFINITIVE.They were to find out later that he had lied tothem - at the time they had believed himACT czyn, CAPABLE BRING AN ACTION AGAINSTzachowywać się, grać zdolny wytoczyć sprawę sądowąWHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE NOBLEST ACT A PERSON ISCAPABLE OF PERFORMING ?/ I consider.the noblest act a person is capable ofperformingWHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO JUDGE A PERSON - BY WHAT HE SAYSOR HOW HE ACTS ? I think the best way to.is by.WHERE'D YOU HAVE TO GO IF YOU WANTED TO BRING AN ACTIONAGAINST SOMEONE ? You'd have to go to the law courts if you wanted.873 BAR sztaba, MADMAN LOCK BARRISTER/przegroda, barykadować szaleniec zamek.zamykać adwokatWHICH IS HEAVIER: A BAR OF GOLD OR A BAR OF IRON (IF, OFCOURSE, THEY ARE THE SAME SIZE)? A bar of gold is.WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN THE POLICE PUT A BAR OF WOOD ORMETAL ACROSS THE ROAD ? When the police put.it means thatcars are not allowed to pass.SUPPOSING AN ESCAPED MADMAN WERE RUNNING AROUND IN THISBUILDING, WOULD YOU FEEL SAFER IF YOU LOCKED THE DOOR OFTHE ROOM OR IF YOU BARRED IT?/ Supposing an escaped.I'd feel safer if.We can also use "bar" in a legal sense.For example, when we talk about the"prisoner at the bar", or a "barrister" being called to the bar, etc.GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE WORD "BAR" BEING USED IN ALEGAL SENSE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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