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.ALEXANDERZZ the first volumeof which goes to the death of Henry II, while M.is useful for the last years ofJohn.It is impossible in a bibliography of this kind to speak of the longlist of monographs and special studies, English and foreign, which alonemake possible the writing of a history of this age, and to which the writermust acknowledge his obligations in general terms.I ND EXAcre, siege of, 368.England, recalled by Henry I,Adam, chancellor of Henry the refuses lay investiture,leaves England, 136; exiled, visits327,328.Countess of Blois, sister of Henry Countess acceptspromise, 144; returns to England,of France, to marry Richard, character in later years, his death,150.374.Adelaide, second wife of Henry of, acquired by Louis VI227.by to Eleanor, 247; car-Aids, feudal, 97, gracious, ried to Henry of by Eleanor, 248Alan Count of Britanny, 158.assigned by Henry II to Richard,Alan of Britanny, lordship of, in surrendered by Richard to Eleanor, 344.55.Architecture in England, 47,William of, 226, 236,Archbishop of York, submits to Arms, of,the Conqueror, 7; crowns him, 8 brother of Robert of Bell&me,crowns Matilda queen, 29 dies, 35 re- 130.tained lands of bishopric of Worcester, county of, 56.battle of, 369.42.Alexander III, 264, 282, ap- of Britanny, birth of, 347; said toproves conquest of Ireland, 343.have been proposed as heir of Richard,Alexander, Bishop of sent to court of Philip II, 381;question of his succession on death ofAlexander of Scotland, as king, Richard, recognized in thethe barons against John, 443.lands, does homage John,king of marries captured by John, his fate at theEleanor, daughter of Henry 328 sub- hands of John,mits dispute to Henry s arbitration, 330.Articles of the Barons,Review, cited, castle of, 226.the Great, 323.439cession to France, 339,344.the, cited, 244II, antipope, Athies, Gerald of,263.canons,166, 380.Stephen of, proposed for king,overlordship of, ceded to79.Philip 380.William of, made ofYorkshire, battle of Lincoln,county of, threatened by plans ofHenry I, assigned by Henry II to forced by Henry II to give up some ofhis son Henry, 303.his gains,Archbishop of Canterbury, sup- feudal allegiance of, 346ports William II, his character, abandoned to Philip 357.made archbishop, 94, accepts royal Aids.investiture, first quarrel with Hugh of, Earl ofWilliam quarrel regardingPope Urban aids Will- Richard of, Earl of Chester,iam II with money, question of hisfeudal service in Wales, demands Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem, 342.permission to go to Rome, leaves Baldwin king of Jerusalem, 342,Bela, king of Hungary, marries Margaret,Baldwin, of Canterbury, 339,361.widow of Henry the Young, 346.Baldwin, Count of Flanders, war with granted to Henry I, con-Henry I and death, 166.ferred on Stephen,Baldwin VII, Count of Flanders, joins Bell&me, Robert of, 75, 86, 87,Richard I against Philip II, 382, succeeds his brother Hugh in England,emperor of the Latin Empire, rebels against Henry I, hisBernard of, 220.punishment, conduct in Nor-Robert of, seeks agreement withmandy,Henry I, 143; at battle ofBaring, F., cited, 3 n.Barking, II.145; makes peace, 146; imprisoned byBath, 218.Henry I,Battle Abbey, 46, Charles, 457.Thomas of, made Archbishop of Benedict antipope, 42.York, 43; controversy with 44 of Tours, 43.at consecration of of 366; marries Rich-family, 54.ard I, 367.Miles of, 212.Bernard, St.,Robert of, 7.Simon of, occupied by Philip 352; restora-cited, 324.tion promised Richard, 355; RichardBeaumont family, 54, 212, 224, retains conquests in, 380.Richard of, 63.393.Beaumont, Henry of, Earl of Warwick, aids Bigod family, 54.Henry Bigod, Hugh, swears to dying declarationBeaumont, Robert of, Earl of of Henry I, 194 revolts, 205,229 made210; Of Henry II, Earl of Norfolk, intrigues with Ma-*go.tilda, 239; made Earl of Norfolk byBeaumont, William of, Earl of Warwick, Henry II, forced to give up his308.castles, 266.Beaumont, Robert of, Earl of Roger, 75.Blanche of married to Louis ofFrance, 396,422.Abbey of, 144.Thomas, 244, 246, 254; made Robert, Bishop of Lincoln,chancellor of Henry I embassy toFrench court, 267; in the Toulouse county of, 165,campaign, 269: accused of suggesting Blois, Henry of, Bishop of Winchester,of Toulouse, suggests 213, 224, 227, assists toway to gain the Norman make Stephen king, 193; desires to betutor of young Henry, 272: made Arch- Archbishop of Canterbury, 222; madebishop of Canterbury, 272-274; his char- papal legate, 223 denounces Stephen sacter, 273, 275, 276; his position in state arrest of bishops, 226; accepts Matilda,as head of Church, 275 refuses to coo- returns to Stephen, 235;as chancellor, 276; opposition to suspended by the pope, leavestaxation at Woodstock, 277, 278 begin- England, 264; consecrates arch-ning of quarrel over clerks, bishop, 274 the sentence onagrees to accept the customs him, 286.of the realm, 282 he suspends himself, Blois, William of, Archbishop of285; summoned to answer in the334.285; his trial at Northamptonfrom England, issues 457; cited, 44 46 49excommunications, enters into form 222 n.of agreement with the king, family, 54.to England, new conference between Henry II294; is murdered, his canon.and Philip I I at, 354.296,297.Born, de, 335.Herbert of, cited, 281.Of, 165, 179, thebattle of, 173.value and meaning of,battle of, 431.by Innocent III, 441; opens ain English history, 446.Brand, Abbot of Peterborough, 53.347,352.William de, persecuted byfortified by Richard,417.380,381; besieged by Philip II,de, Bishop of Hereford,37 occupied by the Conqueror,38; of, 57,battle of, 167.Chester, Hugh, Earl of, 308,314.William of,Ralph, Earl of, 173,456.Chester, Ralph II, Earl of, insults HenryRichard murderer ofof Scotland, attitude toward199Stephen, his change ofBrian of Britanny, 33.sides, his death,130,Bristol, 33 held against Stephen, he bishopric of, 45.Christina, sister of Edgar,fails to take it,Church, in general, reformationBristol, the Jew of,Britanny, conceded to Henry I, 158; dis- of, 38-39; its position in a feudal state,puted succession in, 265; occupied by development of canonHenry II, question of ward-Church, English, condition at Conquest,ship on death of Geoffrey, 346; desire:changes in, independenceindependence, 347, Philipof its courts, 45; its estatesJohn s right to, 396.48, relation to papacy,Philip of,change in attitude to state,Bruce, Robert of,charter of Stephen to, gains fromBurgh, Herbert de,reign of Stephen, its position inBurton, annals of, 456.state at time ofenter England, their woolburial of William I at, 71.taken for Richard s ransom, 376; objectII, 170.to tax by John,Cambridge,family, 54,Gerard of, 370.Canon law, its growth in the Church, 278 Gilbert of, Earl of Pembroke,Gilbert of, Earl of 236.Canterbury, submits to the Conqueror,Richard of, Earl of Pembroke,Canterbury, archbishopric of,conquest of 298York, 96.167,obeys summons to England,question of election of archbishopsgranted 299 dies, 330.Richard of, Earl of 328.Canterbury, of, 454: cited, n.of,347Constitutions of, 148, 283,king of Denmark, 65.Carlisle, occupied by William 89bishopric of, established, 188 Council of, 104.to Henry of Scotland, Clifford,monastery of, reformation startingA., 458
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