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.M31.53; E131| Light springing on the air lead the sweet Dance: they wakeM31.54; E131| The Honeysuckle sleeping on the Oak: the flaunting beautyM31.55; E131| Revels along upon the wind; the White-thorn lovely Mayt243M31.56; E131| Opens her many lovely eyes: listening the Rose still sleepsM31.57; E131| None dare to wake her.soon she bursts her crimson curtaind bedM31.58; E131| And comes forth in the majesty of beauty; every Flower:M31.59; E131| The Pink, the Jessamine, the Wall-flower, the CarnationM31.60; E131| The Jonquil, the mild Lilly opes her heavens! every Tree,M31.61; E131| And Flower & Herb soon fill the air with an innumerable DanceM31.62; E131| Yet all in order sweet & lovely, Men are sick with Love!M31.63; E131| Such is a Vision of the lamentation of Beulah over OlolonM32.1; E131| And Milton oft sat up on the Couch of Death & oft conversedM32.2; E131| In vision & dream beatific with the Seven Angels of the PresenceM32.3; E131| I have turned my back upon these Heavens builded on crueltyM32.4; E131| My Spectre still wandering thro' them follows my EmanationM32.5; E131| He hunts her footsteps thro' the snow & the wintry hail & rainM32.6; E131| The idiot Reasoner laughs at the Man of ImaginationM32.7; E131| And from laughter proceeds to murder by undervaluing calumnyM32.8; E131| Then Hillel who is Lucifer replied over the Couch of DeathM32.9; E131| And thus the Seven Angels instructed him & thus they converse.M32.10; E131| We are not Individuals but States: Combinations of IndividualsM32.11; E131| We were Angels of the Divine Presence: & were Druids in Annandale M32.12; E131| Compelld to combine into Form by Satan, the Spectre of Albion,M32.13; E131| Who made himself a God &, destroyed the Human Form Divine.[Hebrew text]M32.14; E131| But the Divine Humanity & Mercy gave us a Human Form as multitudest245M32.15; E131| Because we were combind in Freedom & holy Brotherhood Vox PopuliM32.16; E132| While those combind by Satans Tyranny first in the blood of WarM32.17; E132| And Sacrifice &, next, in Chains of imprisonment: are Shapeless RocksM32.18; E132| Retaining only Satans Mathematic Holiness, Length: Bredth & HighthM32.19; E132| Calling the Human Imagination: which is the Divine Vision & FruitionM32.20; E132| In which Man liveth eternally: madness & blasphemy, againstM32.21; E132| Its own Qualities, which are Servants of Humanity, not Gods or Lords[.]M32.22; E132| Distinguish therefore States from Individuals in those States.M32.23; E132| States Change: but Individual Identities never change nor cease:M32.24; E132| You cannot go to Eternal Death in that which can never Die.M32.25; E132| Satan & Adam are States Created into Twenty-seven ChurchesM32.26; E132| And thou O Milton art a State about to be CreatedM32.27; E132| Called Eternal Annihilation that none but the Living shallM32.28; E132| Dare to enter: & they shall enter triumphant over DeathM32.29; E132| And Hell & the Grave! States that are not, but ah! Seem to be.M32.30; E132| Judge then of thy Own Self: thy Eternal Lineaments exploreM32.31; E132| What is Eternal & what Changeable? & what Annihilable!M32.32; E132| The Imagination is not a State: it is the Human Existence itselfM32.33; E132| Affection or Love becomes a State, when divided from ImaginationM32.34; E132| The Memory is a State always, & the Reason is a StateM32.35; E132| Created to be Annihilated & a new Ratio CreatedM32.36; E132| Whatever can be Created can be Annihilated Forms cannotM32.37; E132| The Oak is cut down by the Ax, the Lamb falls by the KnifeM32.38; E132| But their Forms Eternal Exist, For-ever.Amen Halle[l]ujahM32.39; E132| Thus they converse with the Dead watching round the Couch of Death.M32.40; E132| For God himself enters Death's Door always with those that enterM32.41; E132| And lays down in the Grave with them, in Visions of EternityM32.42; E132| Till they awake & see Jesus & the Linen Clothes lyingM32.43; E132| That the Females had Woven for them, & the Gates of their Fathers HouseM33.1; E132| And the Divine Voice was heard in the Songs of Beulah SayingM33.2; E132| When I first Married you, I gave you all my whole SoulM33.3; E132| I thought that you would love my loves & joy in my delightsM33.4; E132| Seeking for pleasures in my pleasures O Daughter of Babylon M33.5; E132| Then thou wast lovely, mild & gentle.now thou art terribleM33.6; E132| In jealousy & unlovely in my sight, because thou hast cruellyM33.7; E132| Cut off my loves in fury till I have no love left for theeM33.8; E132| Thy love depends on him thou lovest & on his dear lovesM33.9; E132| Depend thy pleasures which thou hast cut off by jealousyM33.10; E132| Therefore I shew my jealousy & set before you Death.M33.11; E132| Behold Milton descended to Redeem the Female ShadeM33.12; E133| From Death Eternal; such your lot, to be continually Redeem'dM33.13; E133| By death & misery of those you love & by AnnihilationM33.14; E133| When the Sixfold Female percieves that Milton annihilatesM33.15; E133| Himself: that seeing all his loves by her cut off: he leavesM33.16; E133| Her also: intirely abstracting himself from Female lovesM33.17; E133| She shall relent in fear of death: She shall begin to giveM33.18; E133| Her maidens to her husband: delighting in his delightM33.19; E133| And then & then alone begins the happy Female joyM33.20; E133| As it is done in Beulah, & thou O Virgin Babylon Mother of WhoredomsM33.21; E133| Shalt bring Jerusalem in thine arms in the night watches; andM33.22; E133| No longer turning her a wandering Harlot in the streetsM33.23; E133| Shalt give her into the arms of God your Lord & Husband.M33.24; E133| Such are the Songs of Beulah in the Lamentations of OlolonM34.1; E133| And all the Songs of Beulah sounded comfortable notesM34.2; E133| To comfort Ololons lamentation, for they said[:]M34.3; E133| Are you the Fiery Circle that late drove in fury & fireM34.4; E133| The Eight Immortal Starry-Ones down into Ulro darkM34.5; E133| Rending the Heavens of Beulah with your thunder & lightningsM34 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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