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.provides each logged-in user with his orSite Server includes Site Analyst, Usage An-her own environment.alyst, Personalization System, CommerceServer, Publishing Solution, Knowledge Microsoft Transaction Server OftenManagement Solution, and the Analysis abbreviated MTS.A package fromSolution.Microsoft for developing and deploying241Copyright � 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com 2461book Page 242 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMMicrosoft Visual Basicdistributed transaction-processing system in the Virtual FAT, which allowsapplications.filenames of up to 255 characters while alsosupporting the MS-DOS 8.3 filenamingSee also online transaction processing.conventions.Microsoft Visual Basic Often abbreviat-Applets include WordPad (a word proces-ed VB.A version of the BASIC programmingsor), Paint, and WinPad (a personal infor-language that allows developers to createmation manager), as well as system toolsWindows applications quickly and easily.such as Backup, ScanDisk, Disk Defrag-menter, and DriveSpace.The Start buttonMicrosoft Windows A general name forand desktop Taskbar make applicationthe family of operating systems availablemanagement easy and straightforward.from Microsoft that includes Windows CE,Windows 95 supports TCP/IP, IPX/SPX,Windows 95/98, and Windows 2000.NetBEUI, NDIS, FTP, SLIP, and PPP com-Microsoft Windows 2000 A family ofmunications and networking protocols.powerful operating systems from Mi-See also protocol.crosoft, based on Windows NT, includingWindows 2000 Professional for worksta-Microsoft Windows 98 An evolution-tion users, Windows 2000 Server, and Win-ary upgrade to Windows 95; includes an in-dows 2000 Advanced Server.Windowstegrated Web browser, several other Web-2000 Datacenter Server is a 64-bit versionbased tools for conferencing, e-mail, Webcapable of addressing 64GB of physicalpage creation, and Web publishing.RAM and managing 16 processors.Windows 98 also includes a complete set ofMicrosoft Windows 3.1 A 16-bit graph-capable and easy-to-use tools for tasks suchical operating environment that runs onas defragmenting hard disks, compressingtop of MS-DOS on Intel-based PCs, featur-files, testing disks, and monitoring the sys-ing overlapping windowed areas, drop-tem and supports new multimedia hard-down menus, and mouse support.The threeware and entertainment technologies.main elements of Windows 3.1 are the FileYou can choose between the classic Win-Manager (used to manage files, directories,dows interface familiar to Windows 95 us-and disks), the Program Manager (whichers and the Active Desktop.manages applications), and the PrintManager (which coordinates printers and Microsoft Windows CE A small, 32-bitprinting).operating system for hand-held portablecomputers and other specialized devicesMicrosoft Windows 95 A 32-bit, multi-such as telephones, cable decoder boxes,tasking, multithreaded desktop operatingand television sets.system capable of running MS-DOS, Win-dows 3.1, and Windows 95 applications.It Microsoft Windows NT Server Mi-supports Plug and Play (on the appropriate crosoft s flagship 32-bit network operatinghardware) and adds an enhanced FAT file system, which provides high levels of security,242Copyright � 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com 2461book Page 243 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMmiddlewaremanageability, reliability, and performance.Microsoft Word A popular and fullyRuns on servers based on Intel, Alpha, and featured word processor from Microsoft.MIPS processors, includes preemptive multi- Wizards help users with tasks such as mailtasking and multiple threads of execution, merge and formatting, and you can custom-and supports all major networking protocols.ize the various toolbars and menu bars tosuit your individual needs.Word also sup-NT Server supports fault tolerance withports a powerful macro languagedisk mirroring, disk duplexing, RAID(redundant array of inexpensive disks),micro-to-mainframe Any form of con-and UPS (uninterruptible power supply)nection that attaches a PC to a mainframe-monitoring.based network.Often used to describe soft-The user interface is similar to those avail- ware (called terminal-emulation software)able in other members of the Windows fam- that allows the microcomputer to accessily.The latest version of NT Server includesdata and applications on the mainframeInternet Information Server (a Web server),system.DNS Server, and multiprotocol router sup-See also terminal emulation.port.All popular interprocess communica-tions protocols for distributed computingmicrowave A method of radio transmis-are available, including Windows Socketssion that uses high-frequency waves (in theand Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs).range of 1 to 30 gigahertz) for line-of-sightSee also Microsoft Windows 2000.broadband communications.It requires arepeater station every 20 miles or so becauseMicrosoft Windows NT Services forof the curvature of the earth.MicrowavesUnix A package from Microsoft Corpo-are used for satellite communications, forration that provides Unix services on a Win-communications between two buildings in adows NT system, including several popularmetropolitan area, and across large open ar-command-line utilities, the Perl program-eas such as lakes and rivers where laying aming language, and a variety of Unix script-cable may be impractical.ing tools.See also broadband network; repeater [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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