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.It rises to the surface most readily when someone disagrees withus (getting at our pride), when we don t get our own way (which is self-centeredness), when we re too tired or hungry (that s fallout from lack ofself-control), and when we re oversensitive (that s back to ego).186Patience Day : Impatience: Exposing Your Inner ShrekHOW TO BE PATIENTWITH IRRITATING PEOPLEHow do we deal with those people in our lives who just get on our nerves?Scripture tells us to give them understanding and give them a break.Give Them UnderstandingThose who are patient have great understanding, but the quick-tempereddisplay folly.Proverbs 14:29The people with whom we get most impatient are those we don t under-stand.Can you relate? For instance, I found myself getting irritated with anoisy child, until I figured out he suffers from some type of disorder.OnceI understood a little more about the child s situation, I was embarassed atmy impatience.I also recall dealing with a sales clerk who was so slow inresponding that I wondered why they hired her.But when I found out shewas worried about her mother in the hospital, my irritation dissipated.Here are some reasons that misunderstandings crop up between people:You think you can figure out someone else s motives.You can t.No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that personalone.1 Corinthians 2:11 NLTYou think someone s words mean the same thing you would meanif you said them.They don t.In the English language, for example, fivehundred of the most common words have an average of twenty-eight dif-ferent meanings each.People don t always mean the same thing, even whenthey use the same words.The more you understand, the more patient you become.In order toreally understand someone else, the first order of business is to stop assum-ing you understand them! You can t know others motives until they revealthem, and you can t know what they mean until they clarify them.There aretwo steps to understanding people better: (1) Ask clarifying questions, suchas: What did you mean by that? How are you feeling? Is there somethingelse you re wanting me to hear? What do you need from me right now? Whydo you feel that way? (2) Listen to the answers.Really listen.Don t speak187Part : The Making of a Right Relationship to Othersbefore the other person has had a chance to clarify his or her motives andmeaning.To answer before listening that is folly and shame.Proverbs 18:13Once you understand the other person better through clarifying andlistening, go to the next level and try to put yourself in that person s place.When your perspective is one-sided your side it s easy to be impatient.Try mentally changing places, and look at things from the other person sperspective it will do wonders for your patience.Give Them a BreakBe patient with each other, making allowance for each other s faults becauseof your love.Ephesians 4:2 NLTSometimes people simply have a bad day; they are just not at their bestfor whatever reason.Perhaps they don t feel well, or they lost their job,or their bank account is overdrawn, or their washing machine overflowed.Realize two things:You have bad days too, and God accepts you.I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus mightdisplay his immense patience.1 Timothy 1:16When you stop to think about it, God has had to exhibit far more pa-tience with you over your lifetime than you have to show to the personyou re irritated with at the moment.Think of what you re like on your baddays; then give them a break.Sometimes good relationships need good ignoring.A person s wisdom yields patience; it is to one s glory to overlook an offense.Proverbs 19:11Don t pick up on every little thing that someone does wrong.Let somethings slide.Overlook an insult.Don t keep a record of wrongs done.188Patience Day : Impatience: Exposing Your Inner ShrekJournalThinking of times you get impatient with people, rank yourself on a scale of1 5 in each area, with 1 indicating you rarely use the noted response and 5indicating you frequently use that response.Rarely FrequentlyUse UseWhen I feel impatient, I try to remember that I probablydon t know the person s motives.When I feel impatient, I try to assume that I probably don tknow what the person means.When I feel impatient, I seek first to understand.When I feel impatient, I ask clarifying questions.When I feel impatient, I listen before I speak.When I feel impatient, I give the person a break.When I feel impatient, I remember God accepts me.When I feel impatient, I ignore small insults.What one response do you need to work on the most? Why?PRAYERPrecious Lord,Thank you for showing me patience, even on my bad days
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