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.If youhave executed ldd before, bash expects it to be found in /usr/bin.Since we moved it to /bin, the cache needsto be purged so bash can find it in /bin when you want to execute it again.You might have noticed that we don't use the compiler optimizations for this package.The reason is thatoverriding the CFLAGS variable causes compilation problems.You would have to edit the Config.mk fileand add the proper values to the CFLAGS variable and then compile the package.If you want to do that it'sup to you.I don't think it's worth the trouble though.The ld and ldd programs usually are only rarely used.ContentsFrom the Ld.so package we're using the ldconfig and ldd programs.Descriptionldconfigldconfig creates the necessary links and cache (for use by the run-time linker, ld.so) to the most recent sharedlibraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/ld.so.conf, and in the trusteddirectories (/usr/lib and /lib).ldconfig checks the header and file names of the libraries it encounters whendetermining which versions should have their links updated.Installing Ldso 142 Linux From Scratchlddldd prints the shared libraries required by each program or shared library specified on the command line.ldd 143 Installing VimInstallation of VimYou need to unpack both the vim-rt and vim-src packages to install Vim.Both packages will unpack theirfiles into the vim-5.7 directory.This won't overwrite any files from the other package.So it doesn't mattter inwhich order you do it.Install Vim by running the following commands:root:vim-5.7#./configure --prefix=/usrroot:vim-5.7# makeroot:vim-5.7# make installroot:vim-5.7# cd /usr/binroot:bin# ln -s vim viIf you are planning on installing the X Window system on your LFS system, you might want to re-compileVim after you have installed X.Vim comes with a nice GUI version of the editor which requires X and a fewother libraries to be installed.For more information read the Vim documentation.ContentsThe Vim package contains the ctags, etags, ex, gview, gvim, rgview, rgvim, rview, rvim, view, vim, vimtutorand xxd programs.Descriptionctagsctags generate tag files for source code.etagsetags does the same as ctags but it can generate cross reference files which list information about the varioussource objects found in a set of lanugage files.exex starts vim in Ex mode.Installing Vim 144 Linux From Scratchgviewgview is the GUI version of view.gvimgvim is the GUI version of vim.rgviewrgview is teh GUI version of rview.rgvimrgvim is the GUI version of rvim.rviewrview is a restricted version of view.No shell commands can be started and Vim can't be suspended.rvimrvim is the restricted version of vim.No shell commands can be started and Vim can't be suspended.viewview starts vim in read-only mode.vimvim starts vim in the normal, default way.vimtutorvimtutor starts the Vim tutor.gview 145 Linux From Scratchxxdxxd makes a hexdump or does the reverse.xxd 146 Installing LiloInstallation of LiloEdit the Makefile file and edit the CFLAGS varialbe if you want to add compiler optimization to thispackage.Install Lilo by running the following commands:root:lilo-21.5# makeroot:lilo-21.5# make installIt appears that compilation of this package fails on certain machines when the -g compiler flag is being used.If you can't compile Lilo at all, please try removing the -g value from the CFLAGS variable in theMakefile file.At the end of the installation the make install process will print a message stating that you have to execute/sbin/lilo to complete the update.Don't do this as it has no use.The /etc/lilo.conf isn't present yet.We willcomplete the installation of lilo in chapter 8.ContentsThe Lilo package contains the lilo program.Descriptionlilo installs the Linux boot loader which is used to start a Linux system.Installing Lilo 147 Installing MakeInstallation of MakeInstall Make by running the following commands:root:make-3.79.1#./configure --prefix=/usrroot:make-3.79.1# makeroot:make-3.79.1# make installContentsThe Make package contains the make program.Descriptionmake determine automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issue thecommands to recompile them.Installing Make 148 Installing ModutilsInstallation of ModutilsInstall Modutils by running the following commands:root:modutils-2.3.13#./configureroot:modutils-2.3.13# makeroot:modutils-2.3.13# make installContentsThe Modutils package contains the depmod, genksyms, insmod, insmod_ksymoops_clean, kerneld,kernelversion, ksyms, lsmod, modinfo, modprobe and rmmod programs.Descriptiondepmoddepmod handles dependency descriptions for loadable kernel modules.genksymsgenksyms reads (on standard input) the output from gcc -E source.c and generates a file containing versioninformation.insmodinsmod installs a loadable module in the running kernel.insmod_ksymoops_cleaninsmod_ksymoops_clean deletes saved ksyms and modules not accessed in 2 days [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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