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.mailtin -S -c -f newsrc.save Save any unread articles in newsgroups specified in file newsrc.savetin -R Read any articles saved by tin -SSIGNATUREStin will recognize a signature in either $HOME/.signature or $HOME/.Sig.If $HOME/.signature exists, then the signaturewill be pulled into the editor for mail commands.A signature in $HOME/.signature will not be pulled into the editor forposting commands because inews will append the signature itself.A signature in $HOME/.Sig will be pulled into the editor for both posting and mailing commands.The following is an example of a $HOME/.Sig file:NAMES Iain Lea iain.lea@erlm.siemens.deSNAIL Bruecken Strasse 12, 8500 Nuernberg 90, GermanyPHONE +49-911-331963 (home) +49-911-3089-407 (work)tin also has the capability to generate random signatures on a per-newsgroup basis if so desired.The way to accomplish thisis to specify the default signature or the group attribute sigfile as a directory.If, for example, the sigfile path is /usr/iain/.sigs and.sigs is a directory, then tin will select a random signature from any file that is in the directory.sigs (note: onesignature per numbered file).A random signature can also consist of a fixed part signature that can contain your name,address, and so on, followed by the random sig.The fixed part of the random sig is read from the file $HOME/.sigfixed.ENVIRONMENT VARIABLESTINRC Define this variable if you want to specify command-line options that tin should be started with tosave typing them each time it is started.The contents of the environment variable are added to thefront of the command-line options before it is parsed, therefore allowing an option specified on thecommand line to override the same option specified in the environment.TIN_HOMEDIR Define this variable if you do not want the.tin directory in $HOME/.tin.For example, if you wantall tin s private files in /tmp/.tin, you would set TINDIR to /tmp. tin, rtin, cdtin, tind529TIN_INDEXDIR Define this variable if you do not want the.index directory in $HOME/.tin/.index.For example,if you want all tin s index files in /tmp/.index, you would set TIN_INDEXDIR to /tmp.TIN_LIBDIR Define this variable if you want to override the LIBDIR path that was compiled into the tin binaryvia the Makefile.TIN_SPOOLDIR Define this variable if you want to override the SPOOLDIR path that was compiled into the tinbinary via the Makefile.TIN_NOVROOTDIR Define this variable if you want to override the NOVROOTDIR path that was compiled into the tinbinary via the Makefile.TIN_ACTIVEFILE Define this variable if you want to override the LIBDIR/active path that was compiled into the tinbinary via the Makefile.NNTPSERVER The default NNTP server to remotely read news from.This variable only needs to be set if the -rcommand-line option is specified and the file /etc/nntpserver does not exist.DISTRIBUTION Set the article header field  Distribution: to the contents of the variable instead of the systemdefault.ORGANIZATION Set the article header field  Organization: to the contents of the variable instead of the systemdefault.This variable has precedence over the file $HOME/.tin/organization that may also containan organization string.If you are reading news on an Apollo DomainOS machine, the environmentvariable NEWSORG has to be used instead of ORGANIZATION.REPLYTO Set the article header field  Reply-To: to the return address specified by the variable.This is usefulif the machine is not registered in the UUCP mail maps or if you wish to receive replies at adifferent machine.This variable has precedence over the file $HOME/.tin/replyto that may alsocontain a return address.ADD_ADDRESS This can contain an address to append to the return address when replying directly through mail tosomebody whose mail address is not directly recognized by the local host.For example say thereturn address is user@bigvax, but bigvax is not recognized by your host, so therefore the mailwill not reach user.But the host littevax is known to recognize your host and bigvax, so ifADDADDRESS is set (for example, setenv ADD_ADDRESS @littevax for csh orset ADD_ADDRESS @littevaxand export ADD_ADDRESS for sh), the addressuser@bigvax@littlevax will be used and the mail will reach user@bigvax.This variable has precedence over the file$HOME/.tin/add_addressthat may also contain an address.BUG_ADDRESS If the B command bug report mail address is not correct, this variable should be set to the correctmail address.This variable has precedence over the file$HOME/.tin/bug_addressthat may also contain a mail address.MAILER This variable has precedence over the default mailer that is used in all mailing operations withintin (for example, replying rR, and bug reports B).VISUAL This variable has precedence over the default editor (for example, vi) that is used in all editingoperations within tin (for example, posting w, replying rR, follow-ups fF, and bug reports B).AUTOSUBSCRIBE tin interprets this variable similarly to rn [ Pobierz całość w 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