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.ca (John Anonymous MacDonald, a remailernode) 1996/12/12Anyhow, this list goes on and on and on.But if you specify "Carolyn Meinel hacker" and click "all" instead of "any" on the "Boolean" button, youget a list that starts with:Media: "Unamailer delivers Christmas grief" -Mannella@ipifidpt.difi.unipi.it (Riccardo Mannella) 1996/12/30Cu Digest, #8.93, Tue 31 Dec 96 - Cu Digest (tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu)1996/12/31RealAudio interview with Happy Hacker - bmcw@redbud.mv.com (Brian S.McWilliams) 1997/01/08Etc.This way all those posts about my boring life in the world of science don't show up, just the juicy hackerstuff.Now suppose all you want to see is flames about what a terrible hacker I am.You could bring those to thetop of the list by adding (with the "all" button still on) "flame" or "f***" or "b****" being careful to spellout those bad words instead fubarring them with ****s.For example, a search on "Carolyn Meinel hackerflame" with Boolean "all" turns up only one post.This important tome says the Happy Hacker list is a direexample of what happens when us prudish moderator types censor naughty words and inane diatribes.****************************************** Newbie note: "Boolean" is math term.On the Dejanews search engine they figure the user doesn't have aclue of what "Boolean" means so they give you a choice of "any" or "all" and then label it "Boolean" soyou feel stupid if you don't understand it.But in real Boolean algebra we can use the operators "and" "or"and "not" on word searches (or any searches of sets)."And" means you would have a search that turns uponly items that have "all" the terms you specify; "or" means you would have a search that turns up "any"of the terms.The "not" operator would exclude items that included the "not" term even if they have any orall of the other search terms.Altavista has real Boolean algebra under its "advanced"" search option.******************************************But let's forget all those Web search engines for a minute.In my humble yet old-fashioned opinion, the bestway to search the Web is to use it exactly the way its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, intended.You start at agood spot and then follow the links to related sites.Imagine that!Here's another of my old fogie tips.If you want to really whiz around the Web, and if you have a shellaccount, you can do it with t he program lynx.At the prompt, just type "lynx followed by the URL you wantto visit.Because lynx only shows text, you don't have to waste time waiting for the organ music, animatedskulls and pornographic JPEGs to load.So where are good places to start? Simply surf over to the Web sites listed at the end of this Guide.Not onlydo they carry archives of these Guides, they carry a lot of other valuable information for the newbie hacker,as well as links to other quality sites.My favorites are http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/matt/hh.html andhttp://www.silitoad.orgWarning: parental discretion advised.You'll see some other great starting points elsewhere in this Guide,too.Next, consider one of the most common questions I get: "How do I break into a computer????? :( :("Ask this of someone who isn't a super nice elderly lady like me and you will get a truly rude reaction.Here'swhy.The world is full of many kinds of computers running many kinds of software on many kinds ofnetworks.How you break into a computer depends on all these things.So you need to thoroughly study acomputer system before you an even think about planning a strategy to break into it.That's one reasonbreaking into computers is widely regarded as the pinnacle of hacking.So if you don't realize even thismuch, you need to do lots and lots of homework before you can even dream of breaking into computers.But, OK, I'll stop hiding the secrets of universal computer breaking and entry.Check out:Bugtraq archives: http://geek-girl.com/bugtraqNT Bugtraq archives: http://ntbugtraq.rc.on.ca/index.html***************************************************You can go to jail warning: If you want to take up the sport of breaking into computers, you should either doit with your own computer, or else get the permission of the owner if you want to break into someone else'scomputer.Otherwise you are violating the law.In the US, if you break into a computer that is across a stateline from where you launch your attack, you are committing a Federal felony.If you cross nationalboundaries to hack, remember that most nations have treaties that allow them to extradite criminals fromeach others' countries.***************************************************Wait just a minute, if you surf over to those site you won't instantly become an Ubercracker.Unless youalready are an excellent programmer and knowledgeable in Unix or Windows NT, you will discover theinformation at these two sites will *NOT* instantly grant you access to any victim computer you maychoose.It's not that easy.You are going to have to learn how to program.Learn at least one operatingsystem inside and out. Of course some people take the shortcut into hacking.They get their phriends to give them a bunch ofcanned break-in programs.Then they try them on one computer after another until they stumble into rootand accidentally delete system files.The they get busted and run to the Electronic Freedom Foundation andwhine about how the Feds are persecuting them.So are you serious? Do you *really* want to be a hacker badly enough to learn an operating system insideand out? Do you *really* want to populate your dreaming hours with arcane communications protocoltopics? The old-fashioned, and super expensive way is to buy and study lots of manuals.Look, I'm a real believer in manuals.I spend about $200 per month on them.I read them in the bathroom,while sitting in traffic jams, and while waiting for doctor's appointments.But if I'm at my desk, I prefer to readmanuals and other technical documents from the Web [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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